Reaching the unreached.....
Last week Joshua from YWAM spoke in our church... on World missions.... i was shaken to know how many people havent even heard the gospel.... and how many tribes have not yet been reached... it was shocking to know that countries like maldives and turkministan have banned the gospel, and those on the missions live on the bordering countries and sneak in and out to preach the good news... i was amazed how people choose to go to the amazon... get ready to live in areas where diseases are a part of daily life, where any medication would be reached only after days.... To Share the Love and Good news .... Because Jesus is worthy of all glory.... i was shaken because as disciples of Christ we ALL are Comissioned to spread His word and the good news... One great media, to reach the unreached is internet, it reaches people who cannot be contacted directly... Organisations around the world are creating movies so that these can be shown through projectors in different locations .... one such effort worth mentioning is where efforts are made to create christian movies, animations and documentaries to reach the households traditionally closed to the gospel... lots of believers with internet access and a heart to serve the Lord can contribute to reach people in this way... i remember while reading a site for song meanings, i saw a post which interpreted the song to describe Jesus' love for the world.... and the song was a secular song... i am sure it must have been a seed in the heart of the people who read it ... it is not possible for many to commit full time for Gods work... but we all do get spare time , and if we can utilise this , or if we could direct the willing people , it would be a great ... May Jesus be our guide ..... God Bless
some statistics....
# There are 6,000,000,000 people on the planet, in 237 countries speaking 6,528 languages. Half have never heard the truth about Jesus. Source: Missions -
# 67% of all humans from AD30 to the present day have never heard of Jesus' name. Source: World Christian Trends; Pasadena: William Carey Library.
# A minimum of 69,000 people are being born again every day in the Pacific Rim, South America and Africa. Source: Leadership Now! Magazine, pg 8, Winter 2003
# The country with the fastest Christian expansion ever is China, now at 10,000 new converts every day. Source: World Christian Trends; Pasadena: William Carey Library.
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