Wednesday, May 31, 2006

"Da(N)" Vinci Code - Da(N) Brown

If the title looks a bit weird and hiding somethin.... it is just written that way to resonate what the book is all about.... some links:

any link you come across on this discussion just feel free to add comments or add a new post itself...

(While engaging in a debate with unbelievers on this issue kindly talk to them out of love... and not for the sake of argument) God Bless

HillSong - The Church

I had heard a lot about the Hillsong church. No! I actually came across their worship videos (the 1st one being "Shout to The Lord 2000") and maybe countless tapes of their's. Anyone connected to the Christian circle would have come across something that must have stemmed from this church. Especially their songs. Catchy and cool they were.

This prompted me to check out their website. Awesome is not the word. I personally haven't seen any church website as good as their's. Go check it out Hillsong Browsing through it shows the amount/varity of stuff they do. This shows the amount of dedication/commitment they put into the work they are assigned.

The church was established in 1983. 26 years from then today Hillsong Church operates from a 21 acre site in a modern business park in the Hills District, and from a contemporary facility in Waterloo near the heart of Sydney's CBD. With a total attendance of over 19,000 on any given weekend, the reputation of the church continues to expand, having a dynamic influence and impact in Australia and many other nations. Hillsong also has churches in London, Kiev and Paris.

The live praise and worship albums produced by Hillsong Music Australia have achieved gold status in various countries, and the songs are sung in churches around the world. Hillsong's Worship Pastor Darlene Zschech and other members of the worship team have become internationally renowned for their songwriting and anointed worship leading.

The Hillsong International Leadership College attracts students from all over the globe and is committed to training, equipping and building leaders in pastoral, music and other ministry skills.

You gotta check out their state-of-the-art facilties and venues

Check out how the y support ministries and initiatives globally

I think all of this needs a vision because it is only a vision that can create stuff...... and by stuff i mean STUFF. They have talked about visions in different areas in the site. Here are some of their statements:

(i) "Nation Builders is the mission's vision of Hillsong Church, which helps people by supporting ministries and initiatives outside our own four walls."

(ii) "As Hillsong Church continues to increase and grow, the vision remains consistent: to build the Church of Jesus Christ and bless the body of Christ world-wide."

(iii) "Phil is passionate about bringing practical wisdom and vision to raise up leaders and see people of all ages won to Christ."

(iv) "To reach and influence the world by building a large Bible-based church, changing mindsets and empowering people to lead and impact in every sphere of life " - This is their Mission Statement.

Nothing great is accomplish without a vision.

(Some part of this post has been copied and pasted from the Hillsong site itself)

Monday, May 29, 2006

Reaching the unreached.....

Last week Joshua from YWAM spoke in our church... on World missions.... i was shaken to know how many people havent even heard the gospel.... and how many tribes have not yet been reached... it was shocking to know that countries like maldives and turkministan have banned the gospel, and those on the missions live on the bordering countries and sneak in and out to preach the good news... i was amazed how people choose to go to the amazon... get ready to live in areas where diseases are a part of daily life, where any medication would be reached only after days.... To Share the Love and Good news .... Because Jesus is worthy of all glory.... i was shaken because as disciples of Christ we ALL are Comissioned to spread His word and the good news... One great media, to reach the unreached is internet, it reaches people who cannot be contacted directly... Organisations around the world are creating movies so that these can be shown through projectors in different locations .... one such effort worth mentioning is where efforts are made to create christian movies, animations and documentaries to reach the households traditionally closed to the gospel... lots of believers with internet access and a heart to serve the Lord can contribute to reach people in this way... i remember while reading a site for song meanings, i saw a post which interpreted the song to describe Jesus' love for the world.... and the song was a secular song... i am sure it must have been a seed in the heart of the people who read it ... it is not possible for many to commit full time for Gods work... but we all do get spare time , and if we can utilise this , or if we could direct the willing people , it would be a great ... May Jesus be our guide ..... God Bless

Monday, May 22, 2006

Christian Guitarist - Ken Tamplin

One of the greatest guitarists of all times.... Ken Tamplin.... Ken Tamplin has always been referred to as a "singer's singer" while guitarists have hailed his playing, songwriting and production among some of the biggest names in the business. At a very young age Tamplin joined his first professional rock group Joshua and has expanded on to other well known groups such as Shout and the famed rock group Magdallan which he partnered with long time friend and guitar virtuoso Lanny Cordola. His current "Make Me Your Voice" series includes gospel legend Andrae' Crouch, Charlie Peacock as well as the nation's largest churches such as Willow Creek and Saddleback where 100% of all artist's and producer's royalties are going to aid the mass genocide currently taking place in countries like Sudan and Afghanistan. For more info go to Ken Tamplin Interviews 1. With RockHole on Wake the nations 2. Interview and Bio on ChrisitianAnswers COMPOSER OVERCAME DRUG-DEALING PAST A Mother's - Camel Knees - Made The Difference 3. VictoryZine

Monday, May 15, 2006

Please Pray for Moksha Band members

Please keep them in prayers, they are from Band moksha from chennai... Wanna see them rocking for the Rock one day Allen Christy Willy Tony Timmy - he is saved and workin in the midst of unbelievers... please pray that God gives him the strength to carry on and not fall astray... and Leon And also for Aubrey (Ex Moksha member), who got saved and is rocking for Christ.....

Sunday, May 14, 2006

He is the Rock of my salvation

This blog is created to share what the Mighty one has done in our lives... also to share prayer points ... and more importantly Rock for the one who is THE ROCK....