Friday, June 09, 2006

Noah sat down and had a coffee....

Well it isnt about my friend Noah... I have always suspected Rock Bands, and ever since i came to know about Gospel Rock bands , i have become even more critical.... initially i could not stand the Screaming gospel rock bands... then figured out they were harmless.. and eventually kinda got hooked too... Most of these bands like Petra(a different league) , Bloodgood, Idle Cure, Divinefire, Narnia, Rob Rock had a very strong message through each of their songs... well the hardest of all was to accept the gospel counterpart of Death Metal, fondly called Life Metal... Death Growls and morbid feel of the bands kinda made me repel them... i found nothing appealing, although i was a big fan of secular(rather anti-christian/ black ) metal bans... specially because of the creativity they came out with.... perhaps having been affected negatively by the Death Metal itself.. i wasnt ready for a gospel version anyways... i had a deep feeling that it would be the same sad and heart numbing experience.... and then i got to attend the Parra Camp, and got to hear Sudds talk bout music being innately harmless... and the lyrics and the inspiration separates the good music from the bad.... Recently i got to hear a track by Mortification (a gospel band from Australia)... to say the least, the word mortification did remind me of corporal mortification and stuff.. the song was "Noah was a Knower" the song is about God's calling, and how it can sometimes be not what u expected... get the video form youtube just search for "mortification" and select the video "Noah was a knower" since i couldnt get most of the lyrics by just listenin to the song, i picked it up from here and i was spellbound ... and i heard it again .. and again.. just a few days back i took a walk on the hills with a friend of mine and we discussed how Noah had to build the ark, how many people would have scorned him, and how hard it is to hear and obey God's calling sometimes... this song resonated those thoughts... here are some .. "100 years of banging tools Laughed at by his neighbours scorn" "God's calling is always a challenge It may not be what you would seem But following his ways through life ends up leading to the mountain top" "100 years of real hard work Noah sat down and had a coffee" ooh!!!! what lyrics... and i loved the song.. the guitars and the DRUMS!!!! the song ministered me.... i was moved to realise that one gotta be ready to hear and obey Him, whatever be the price... and He would vindicate... i couldnt keep myself from digging more on the band (i am just writing what i found most striking u can find more infor here)... these guys started out as a proper death metal band with heavy sound and growl (Form late 80's to '96)... later on Steve Rowe (Vocals & Bass) contracted Accute Lymphatic Leukemia "Steve almost died several times, but through MUCH prayer and a strong will to live to see his vision for his family, band, and label fulfilled, Steve managed to make it through. God has performed miracle and he lived to tell about it. This was despite doctors who had given him only hours to live - on more than one occasion - and a seemingly failed bone marrow transplant." from Wikipedia.. i wasn't expecting a Life metal band to be so interesting, and i was sure God chose Steve to spread the gospel... strangely , now the band has very little death metal elements... I just pray that these guys never loose their focus.. mightily live to tell His greatness.... Some links noLifeTilMetal Official Site


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